Sunday, February 12, 2012

Rebutting Ayaz Amir


Ayaz Amir has written a hideous column in last week's The News, Song and Ecstasy. Please read the coloumn first before reading the reply written by Mufti Mazloom uz Zaman on behalf of the Darul Uloom Las Vegas.

In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful
The written herewith and the Towfeeq is in the hands of Allah;

Brother Ayaz Amir has written another terrible article in The News on, out of all possible days, the holy day of Friday, that raises some serious misunderstandings about Jannah (paradise) and how Allah’s judgement will be exercised on the day of reckoning. It is in order to correct these misunderstandings unless they spreadth amongst our youth who are already led astray by the many colourful pleasures of this world, Internet and Facebook being the latest in the series.

The Brother begins by asking the question “What are the greatest verities, the greatest truths of all?” and then proceeds to give a gobbledegook answer by a Mr Samuel Bucket. Shamsul Ulama Mulanai Mufti Noor Sandook has already dealt amicably with this question in his book “Noor-al-Hidayat Li Mustasleen” and has shown without doubt that the greatest truth is Allah himself. Brother Ayaz should refer to that book and he will be delighted to find the excellent explanation given there and this will remove all necessities to look towards the People of the Book for answers for his questions.

The Brother then moves on a partial but incorrect description of the Jannah, complete with its flowing rivers of milk and honey and Virgin Houris. Fal hamdu lillah he zaalik. However, he fails to understand what one will do with such an excess of milk. Shams Ul Ulama (Sun of the Solar System of Scholars) has also explained in his aforementioned book that the milk is for the faithful to drink to their hearts content. Simple! I am amazed how Brother Ayaz cannot work this simple thing out and still calls himself a columnist. Milk is a blessing from Allah Subhan wa Taalah and is used as a major ingredient in many sorts of halwas. Scientists today are amazed at the nutritional value of milk and, of course, Allah pointed towards this nutritiousness in Qur’aan by describing its adequate availability in Jannah. In the same paragraph, Brother Ayaz mentions the lack of hangover properties of the wines in Jannah. He fails to grab the logic that who will want hangovers when there will be Houris available 24/7? No doubt The Almighty knows best.

Later on, Brother Ayaz asks if cricket matches will be played amongst the faithful in Jannah. The answer to that, as explained by another Shamsul Ulema, is that our religion encourages manly sports of horse riding, swimming and archery. These sports will be freely available in Jannah with the additional luxury of going for a swim in the milk river. Brother Ayaz, keeping his tastes in mind, could also go for a swim in a river of wine - wine that gives no hangovers! Subhan allah! My question from the above paragraph still remains valid here too that who will want sports when there will be virgin Houris available 24/7?

Perhaps brother Ayaz is not as interested in Houris because his recent experience of women probably is limited to the girl below. Our ever authentic ulema (scholars) have described in great detail that the Houris available to the momineen (the very faithful believers) in paradise will be virgin, lovely eyed, of modest gaze, virgin, pure, white skinned, virgin and transparent such that water would be visible dripping down their throats. They will also be virgin.


 Music really is a touchy subject. Allah has attained it forbidden upon all believers. Poetry is forbidden too because non-believers at the time of advent of Islam used to use it to lead people away from the true path. A third Shamsul Ulema says that for this reason, it is forbidden today as well unless it is in praise of Allah or of a similar higher purpose. Brother Ayaz seems very fond of Ghalib and some other non-Muslims idiots like Mozart. Let me assure you, o Brother, that your Ghalib will not get anywhere near Jannah. The only poet allowed in Jannah will be Hazrat Allama Iqbal apart from some carefully selected Na’at writers. O Brother pity on you, if you are so fond of poetry, why do you not read Iqbal? His philosophy of Ishq (love) and Khudi (ego) is taught in the Universities of the West to motivate their youth while we ignore diamonds that grew in our own back yard!
You say that you have tried reading the King James Bible. I wish you had tried reading the Prophet Isa’s bible instead. You would have found the many errors in it as it has been changed by his followers.

Later on in his article, he tries to impress his readers with some big name of the Kufaar (non-believers). I contend that this is just to impress the readers by his intellectualism and that he has little knowledge about these people and what they did. My argument stems from my firm belief that no man with a son like his can know names such as Somerset Maugham, Falstaff, Bach, Mozart or Beethoven. I ask all the readers to decide themselves by looking at Ayaz Amir's son and his friends in the picture below that the father of such a man can know the name Somerset Maugham? Really?


 In the end, you seem very fond of eloquent written words, be it poetry or some other literature. I invite you to our one true God who revealed Sura Kauthar;

 Hamza The Muslim has described this to be of “utmost significance from a linguistic, literary, theological, rational and ideological point of view”. How many more signs do you want? Repent for the world is small and time is little.

Wallah ho alim bis sawab
Mufti Mazloom uz Zaman

(on behalf of Darul Uloom Las Vegas)

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