Friday, February 24, 2012

The Brother Dictator: A preview.

I am really looking forward to the release of Sacha Baron Cohan's (better known as Borat) new film "The Dictator". The rumour has it that it will be released sometime this summer. I am a real admirer of Cohan's creative humour and his ability to make people drop their guards and let their darker sides spill out.

The film is about an autocrat "who risked his life to ensure that democracy would never come to the country he so lovingly oppressed"! Reportedly, The Dictator is a loose adaptation of the novel Zabibah and the King, which is believed have been written by the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein.

I am still rolling on the floor with laughter after looking at the military decorations our Great Leader-Brother is wearing in the poster of the film. How true! Our megalomaniac leaders-cum-idiots like to acclaim all sorts of titles for themselves. Starting from Ayub Khan, who appointed himself the Field Marshall of Pakistan Army when he was the President of the republic as well as the commander-in-chief of the country’s armed forces, the art was perfected by Adi Amin. Idi “Dada” Amin converted to Islam (to get some aid from our other great friend Qaddafi) and his full self-bestowed title ultimately became "His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor, Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular", in addition to his officially stated claim of being the uncrowned King of Scotland. Needless to say, he was not a recipient of a Distinguished Service Order (DSO) or a Military Cross (MC). He conferred a doctorate of law on himself from Makerere University, and the Victorious Cross (VC) was a medal made to emulate the British Victoria Cross.

I am sure that Cohan will show the subtle details of how our Sheikhdoms and Kingdoms and "republics" work in the Muslim world. Reminds me of the modalities employed by our "democratic" hero, Nawaz Sharif in chose his Chief of the Army, General Musharaf, while he was the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Musharaf was superseded over several generals, not based on merit or ability but rather because his ethnic background was from a minority province and Nawaz thought that to be of much less a threat to his position as the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Musharaf went on to boot Nawaz out of power and threw him in jail while declaring himself the "Chief Executive" of Pakistan. Reportedly, he could not think of a more exotic title than a CEO!

Watch this space for a review once the film is released!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Some Desi Photo Captions!

Morgan to Ajmal: "Fhir! .... Fhir!.... Chawal jiya, tenu kiya vi si doosra naeo karana".

Ashwin to the rest of the Indian squad : "Naso begharato, Misbah te Azhar Ali "tuk tuk" karan lai aa rae ne".

Monty to himself: "££$£$%$$^@...... Sap,..... !"£"£%£$%##~....pitch te..... sap....."£$"£%'@##".

Friday, February 17, 2012

On the lighter side of life - W G Grace

You might have seen the picture of this bushy gentleman, W G Grace (1848-1915). He is one of the pioneers of cricket and the reason behind the popularity of the game in its early years. Every test match between Australia and England was the biggest sporting event in the world in those days and for most of the crowd, he was the sole reason they had come to watch. He had such an influence on the game that while playing against South Africa XI, the scorer made his total to be 392. Grace told him “to round it off to make it 400”. He did exactly that!

But the biggest surprise is that he used to make around £400,000 from cricket in today’s currency in those years despite cricket being an amateur sports! This amount is more than what Shane Warne used to get in his heydays in early 2000s despite all the TV rights, endorsements and commercialisation of the game. And Warne was the most highly paid cricketer at the time.
He was also one of the world’s first sportsman to endorse a product and his face was the most recognisable face in the world after Queen Victoria.

David Firth writes “His bowling was accompanied by chatter that would be appreciated by modern chirpers in the field, though it was frowned upon in an age when courtesy and good manners were cherished. Naïve batsmen were sometimes invited to look at a flock of birds (sometimes imaginary) flying over a corner of the field - always directly across a dazzling sun of course. At his favourite position of point, he liked to air his views on batsmen and the state of the game, a practice even more annoying in view of his surprisingly high-pitched voice.”

Amazing grace!

(Mohammad Jawad)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Iran, Zaid Hamid, fake photos and Husni Mubarik!

I recently came across an old fake picture released by the semi-official Iranian news agency, FARS News. The jokers were at it once again. The story went that “a hideout in Iran's south-eastern city of Zahedan was conquered, Iranian police discovered several US-made remote controlled detonators there”. Of course the intention of the terrorists was to “sow discord between Shiite and Sunnite Muslims”. The story remained on their newswire for over 24 hours. It later transpired that the photograph used as 'evidence' was a (badly) Photoshopped and wholly fraud, no doubt aimed at discrediting the US.

This reminded me of another fakery that the media arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Sepah News (yes, Iranian counterpart of ISPR) committed. Apparently, Iran tested some missiles whereas one missile failed to launch. Not to be undone by this technical hitch, the Revolutionary Guards fixed the fault using Photoshop! Easy!

The first picture is the faked one, while the second is the original that the Sepah News later released once the emperor was discovered without his clothes by the whole world.

Top, the image that Agence France-Presse obtained from Sepah News on Wednesday. Below, another image that The Associated Press received from the same source on Thursday, which appeared to be taken from the same vantage point at almost the same time. 

This makes me think that there are still some sane elements in the Revolutionary Guards. If our very own defence and security expert, Sir Zaid Hamid, was in charge of the Iranian ISPR, perhaps this is how he would have fixed the technical glitch in the launch of missiles with the help of his (pirated) Photoshop!

Staying on the topic of pictures faked on behalf of our clowns to fool the public, does anyone remember this joker?

When in his pomp, to impress the boss, the most widely circulated state-run newspaper in Egypt, Al-Ahram, altered the picture below to show Mubarik at the front, rather than the back, of a group of leaders who met at the White House to talk about peace in the Middle East.

Here is what the scene looked like in reality.

The editor explained, after caught with his pants down, that he wanted to show that Mubarik was playing a leading role in the talks!

Taking cue from this, a few others had a go at showing Mubarik in a leading role!


And finally, it seems that the Iranian version of ISPR is rather good with its (pirated) copy of Photoshop. According to this report below, it simply copied and pasted pictures of model aircraft made out of plastic, into the website of Iranian Foreign Ministry to show the strength of the Iranian Air force and its “latest weapons”!

However, real pictures of Iranian military successes are also regularly released by the government-run news agencies. According to Sipah News, the jet on the left came first in a race to get to and destroy a dummy target during a practice run of an attack on Israel.

(Mohammad Jawad)

Dilemma of the Muslim World – Sheikhs or Scientists?

GDP and Poverty - lands of broken dreams;

The Muslim world is in a terrible state. The combined annual GDP of 50 Muslim majority countries remains a grand total of $4.8 trillion. This is a rather sorry figure as USA alone produces goods and services worth $15 trillion while the corresponding figures for China ($5.8 trillion) and Japan ($5.4 trillion) remain comfortably above that of the entire Muslim world combined. Even India’s GDP is estimated at over $5 trillion on purchasing power parity basis.

The oil giants of Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Kuwait and Qatar collectively produce goods and services (mostly oil) worth $1 trillion.  South Korea alone has a higher annual GDP while the tiny island state of Taiwan produces goods and services worth $0.8 trillion.

Of the 50 poorest countries in the world, half are Muslim majority countries, including Pakistan. Muslims are 22 percent of the world population and produce less than seven percent of global GDP. Even more worrying is the fact that the Muslim countries’ GDP as a percent of the global GDP is going down over time.

 The Arabs, it seems, will be particularly worse off in the coming years. The United Nation’s Arab Human Development report of 2009 says “In addition to oil rents, Arab economies depend on rentier income from property, from foreign goods import agencies, and from financial and exchange operations; they have yet to enter the age of revenues derived from the technological capacity to produce modern goods and services based more on knowledge than on manual labour.”

Another important fact to consider is that the figures above look better than they really are. All of the above figures relate to 2010 when most of the developed world was in the middle of a deep economic crisis. At the same time, the Muslim world was enjoying a time of relative prosperity because of high petroleum prices. Once normalcy resumes and our natural resources begin to wear thin, an even grimmer situation awaits us.

Knowledge is Power;

Fifty-seven Muslim majority countries have an average of ten universities each for a total of less than 600 universities for 1.4 billion people; India has 8,407 universities, the U.S. has 5,758.

Over the past 105 years, 1.4 billion Muslims have produced eight Nobel Laureates while a mere 14 million Jews have produced 167 Nobel Laureates. Of the 1.4 billion Muslims less than 300,000 qualify as ‘scientists’, and that converts to a ratio of 230 scientists per one million Muslims. The United States of America has 1.1 million scientists (4,099 per million); Japan has 700,000 (5,095 per million).

Dr Farruk Saleem writes, “As per data collected by the UNDP, literacy in the Christian world stands at nearly 90 per cent and 15 Christian-majority states have a literacy rate of 100 per cent. A Muslim-majority state, as a sharp contrast, has an average literacy rate of around 40 per cent and there is no Muslim-majority state with a literacy rate of 100 per cent. Some 98 per cent of the 'literates' in the Christian world had completed primary school, while less than 50 per cent of the 'literates' in the Muslim world did the same. Around 40 per cent of the 'literates' in the Christian world attended university while no more than two per cent of the 'literates' in the Muslim world did the same.”

Also consider, for instance, that Muslims constitute 22 percent of world population with a 1 percent share of Nobel Prizes. Jews constitute 0.23 percent of world population with a 22 percent share of Nobel Prizes. From within 1.4 billion Muslims Abdus Salam and Ahmed Zewail are the only two Muslim men who won a Nobel Prize in physics and chemistry (Salam pursued his scientific work in Italy and the UK, Zewail at California Institute of Technology).

A curious case of wrong priorities; Sheikhs or Scientists?

Now contrast this material state of affairs with the “spiritual” and “divine” aspect of things and take Pakistan as a test case. Pakistan has the highest number of “Sheikh-ul-Hadith” and “Sheikh-ul-Quran” in the world (these are the highest qualifications one can attain in Islamic Studies in the Sub Continent). The numbers of qualified experts in Islamic legal matters, Mufti, are also second to none. This is in addition to many self-proclaimed Reformers of the Century (Mujadid), that we have produced. The country also has the biggest and, on Fridays, most densely packed mosques in the world but is also among the countries with the smallest scientific expenditure per head. While mosques are flourishing and expanding (please don’t pounce on it, the criticism is not on the increasing numbers of mosques), the libraries and laboratories are not even keeping up with the pace of population increase.

The whole country of 170 million Muslims has fewer than 30 universities. Contrast this with a random example of a minor university from Scotland. Glasgow Caledonian University, with 14,000 students, has a higher budget than the entire higher education sector of Pakistan combined. Incidentally, Scotland, with a population of 6 million has 15 universities, 10 of which are in top 400 universities in the world.

There are more “Hafiz” of Quran (a Hafiz is a person who memorizes Quran by rote) in Pakistan than all the rest of the world combined but it is also the land with the smallest number of scientists per head of population in the world. 40% of all book/magazine titles published in Pakistan are related to religion in some way and it produces some cutting-edge and most up to date religious commentary in the world while quality research publications on science and technology are virtually non-existent. In other words, the “religious literacy and achievement”, if we count all the experts in theology and the like, is extremely impressive while the scientific literacy remains the lowest in the entire world – even some sub-Saharan African countries do better than Pakistan on this front.

Is there an end?

What really went wrong? What brought us to the current state of affairs? There are two possible answers.

Firstly, Muslims are poor, illiterate and weak because we have ‘abandoned the divine heritage of Islam’. In order to rectify the situation, we must return to our real or imagined past. Let’s get together and produce more qualifies theologians, bigger places of worship and publish even more religious books.

Second answer could be that Muslims are poor, illiterate and weak because we have refused to change with time.

Keep pace with time — al Quran.

The door is wide open and it is up to us whatever path we wish to tread. I personally am all in favor of the first solution!

(Mohammad Jawad)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Arab Spring - The Syrian Version

Because a picture is better than a thousand words. 

Rebutting Ayaz Amir


Ayaz Amir has written a hideous column in last week's The News, Song and Ecstasy. Please read the coloumn first before reading the reply written by Mufti Mazloom uz Zaman on behalf of the Darul Uloom Las Vegas.

In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful
The written herewith and the Towfeeq is in the hands of Allah;

Brother Ayaz Amir has written another terrible article in The News on, out of all possible days, the holy day of Friday, that raises some serious misunderstandings about Jannah (paradise) and how Allah’s judgement will be exercised on the day of reckoning. It is in order to correct these misunderstandings unless they spreadth amongst our youth who are already led astray by the many colourful pleasures of this world, Internet and Facebook being the latest in the series.

The Brother begins by asking the question “What are the greatest verities, the greatest truths of all?” and then proceeds to give a gobbledegook answer by a Mr Samuel Bucket. Shamsul Ulama Mulanai Mufti Noor Sandook has already dealt amicably with this question in his book “Noor-al-Hidayat Li Mustasleen” and has shown without doubt that the greatest truth is Allah himself. Brother Ayaz should refer to that book and he will be delighted to find the excellent explanation given there and this will remove all necessities to look towards the People of the Book for answers for his questions.

The Brother then moves on a partial but incorrect description of the Jannah, complete with its flowing rivers of milk and honey and Virgin Houris. Fal hamdu lillah he zaalik. However, he fails to understand what one will do with such an excess of milk. Shams Ul Ulama (Sun of the Solar System of Scholars) has also explained in his aforementioned book that the milk is for the faithful to drink to their hearts content. Simple! I am amazed how Brother Ayaz cannot work this simple thing out and still calls himself a columnist. Milk is a blessing from Allah Subhan wa Taalah and is used as a major ingredient in many sorts of halwas. Scientists today are amazed at the nutritional value of milk and, of course, Allah pointed towards this nutritiousness in Qur’aan by describing its adequate availability in Jannah. In the same paragraph, Brother Ayaz mentions the lack of hangover properties of the wines in Jannah. He fails to grab the logic that who will want hangovers when there will be Houris available 24/7? No doubt The Almighty knows best.

Later on, Brother Ayaz asks if cricket matches will be played amongst the faithful in Jannah. The answer to that, as explained by another Shamsul Ulema, is that our religion encourages manly sports of horse riding, swimming and archery. These sports will be freely available in Jannah with the additional luxury of going for a swim in the milk river. Brother Ayaz, keeping his tastes in mind, could also go for a swim in a river of wine - wine that gives no hangovers! Subhan allah! My question from the above paragraph still remains valid here too that who will want sports when there will be virgin Houris available 24/7?

Perhaps brother Ayaz is not as interested in Houris because his recent experience of women probably is limited to the girl below. Our ever authentic ulema (scholars) have described in great detail that the Houris available to the momineen (the very faithful believers) in paradise will be virgin, lovely eyed, of modest gaze, virgin, pure, white skinned, virgin and transparent such that water would be visible dripping down their throats. They will also be virgin.


 Music really is a touchy subject. Allah has attained it forbidden upon all believers. Poetry is forbidden too because non-believers at the time of advent of Islam used to use it to lead people away from the true path. A third Shamsul Ulema says that for this reason, it is forbidden today as well unless it is in praise of Allah or of a similar higher purpose. Brother Ayaz seems very fond of Ghalib and some other non-Muslims idiots like Mozart. Let me assure you, o Brother, that your Ghalib will not get anywhere near Jannah. The only poet allowed in Jannah will be Hazrat Allama Iqbal apart from some carefully selected Na’at writers. O Brother pity on you, if you are so fond of poetry, why do you not read Iqbal? His philosophy of Ishq (love) and Khudi (ego) is taught in the Universities of the West to motivate their youth while we ignore diamonds that grew in our own back yard!
You say that you have tried reading the King James Bible. I wish you had tried reading the Prophet Isa’s bible instead. You would have found the many errors in it as it has been changed by his followers.

Later on in his article, he tries to impress his readers with some big name of the Kufaar (non-believers). I contend that this is just to impress the readers by his intellectualism and that he has little knowledge about these people and what they did. My argument stems from my firm belief that no man with a son like his can know names such as Somerset Maugham, Falstaff, Bach, Mozart or Beethoven. I ask all the readers to decide themselves by looking at Ayaz Amir's son and his friends in the picture below that the father of such a man can know the name Somerset Maugham? Really?


 In the end, you seem very fond of eloquent written words, be it poetry or some other literature. I invite you to our one true God who revealed Sura Kauthar;

 Hamza The Muslim has described this to be of “utmost significance from a linguistic, literary, theological, rational and ideological point of view”. How many more signs do you want? Repent for the world is small and time is little.

Wallah ho alim bis sawab
Mufti Mazloom uz Zaman

(on behalf of Darul Uloom Las Vegas)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Who is We? And what is We want?

The names are Mohammad Jawad and Ijaz Anwar. We don't like talking about ourselves (in the tradition of the great Faiz Ahmed Faiz). Below is the list of things we like and dislike and this should reveal enough about us and what this blog will be all about. We believe there is enough barood (gunpowder) in it to blow us into tatters!

Things we like;

1) Cricket
2) Science/Scientific Method/Evidence
3) Politics
4) Liberalism/Democracy
5) Philosophy/Logic
7) Pakistan/Muslim world/Planet Earth*
8) Books
9) A good argument
10) Creativity/Humour

*Please note that we reserve the right to interfere in internal affairs of any country at any time.

Things we hate;

1) Vague ideas/ideologies (eg Ideological Frontiers of Pakistan, Go Amreeka Go, Nazriyah-e-Pakistan).
2) Basing an argument on religious texts.
3) Faith/believing something without evidence.
4) Weak arguments/faulty logic.
5) Self righteousness/piousness.
6) Taboos, censorship, holy cows and holy pigs.

People we like;

1) Imran Khan - for being the greatest cricketer ever, an honest politician and, most of all, for politicising an entire generation for the first time. Also, he laid some of the most beautiful women in the world and he is making Nawaz Sharif lose confidence.

2) Faiz Ahmed Faiz - for lighting up our jawanis.

3) Jinnah - for being a visionary. He believed in Secularism, Democracy and Liberalism when his contemporaries were debating whether loudspeaker was lawful or forbidden in Islam.

4) Che Guevara - for being the most complete person of our time, in Sartre's words. He was an intellectual, guerrilla leader, diplomat, military theorist, physician, government minister, economist, a fashion/culture icon all rolled into one smart package! Check the picture of Che with Ayub Khan.

5) Darwin – for showing the world how design comes about without a designer.

6) All great scientists of the world - past, present and future. Honourable mention goes to Ibn-e-Rushd, al-Haytham, Newton and Einstein.

7) Moududi - he is still a hero to me (Jawad) as he was the person who taught me to use the brain for the first time.

8) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan - for being an amayzing visionary and being centuries ahead of his time. He was also perhaps the greatest Muslim naturalist. One thing is sure, the more you find out about him, the more dazzled you get by his greatness.

People We find amusing and/or repulsive;

1) George Bush, Sarah Palin and Tony Blair - for hearing voices in their heads from god and acting upon them!

2) Nawaz Sharif - for demonising and maligning all his opponents using dirtiest tricks in dictionary. Zardari is "corrupt", Imran is "Jewish Agent" and, of course, Nawaz Sharif did not try to seduce Kim Barker in a typical Punjabi way!

4) Sir Zaid Hamid - for ever thinking that he is sitting on a white horse that has
a hard on! He has been giving "azaans" to the Chief Justice lately! (The azaan starts from 04:46 onwards here).

5) Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan - the (self-proclaimed) Illegitimate Father of the Nation. He just cant understand why all Pakistanis don't have tattoos of him like this. We think Veena Malik should try his face in her next photo shoot but then on second thought, who will look at the tattoo when there is so much else to see?

6) General Hameed Gul - it will hurt him more if we don't write anything about his evils.

7) Al-Ghazali - ever heard of a bull in china shop? This man single handedly put an end to Muslim science and scientists, effects of which are yet to subside. Will deal with this more deeply at some other point.

People/things we think are over-rated;

1) Iqbal - We are lost for words here! In our opinion, one of the MOST over-rated persons ever. Was he the best poet of his era? Was he the greatest philosopher alive at the time? Was he the most influential thinker? The best motivator? An outstanding leader? Brilliant politician? We just don't know what his claim-to-fame is and we think no one can provide answers here without indulging in gross exaggeration.

2) Shane Warne - made his reputation bowling to the English team most of his career. Was very ordinary against the Indians, the best players of spin.

3) V V S Laxman - 17 centuries in 134 tests at an average of 45? You need to do better to be considered a world class player!

4) Arshaad Ahmed Haqqani - does anyone remember him? Read this as a sample. (As if we care what his ravayya is with politicians!)

5) ISI - for vehicles that stop at a check post (this is a metaphor), it does a bloody good job. For those who refuse to stop or are not bothered at all, it is as toothless as Punjab Police. Why does it not go after the drug traffickers/smugglers/Americans? Because they do not stop at a check post!

6) Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman - he has been described as a "Department of Political Science" and to understand the subtle variations in pace of Pakistani politics better than anyone else! My Sweet Lord, we disagree! In this land of crooks, every crook is just as crafty
as the sum of all others combined.

7) Munnawar Hassan - for having more poison in him than he is normally given credit of. We predict Jamaat-e-Islami will be as directionless as a headless cockroach after he is done with it. He also makes Qazi Hussain Ahmad look decent, giant, sober, likeable and intellectually accomplished!

8) Hamza Shahbaz - ummm, well, he is the leader of the youth as per Atta- ul-Haq Qasmi!

9) Junaid Saleem (from Hasb-e-Haal) - This man is the most over-paid person/thing/object in Pakistan taking his abilities into account. Any wage above the minimum wage rate of Rs 7000 per month to him is morally incorrect and economically unwise. Check this and this to see what we mean.

People/things we think are under-rated and under estimated;

1) Zardari - he has to take the crown, no doubt. For those who think he is important just because he married a Bhutto, need to take a look at this guy! He married a Sharif and is still treated little better than his former self. Zardari is the only politician who pales the original Bhutto in almost every trait.

2) Qutb-ud-Din Aybak, Shahabud-din-Ghori, Alao-uddin-Khilji - well, we have not come across any evidence of their importance in real world apart from the "Pakistan Studies" books. Our education syllabus is always correct so these people must be grossly under-rated and under estimated by the world. This is our little effort to shine some praise on these very important people.

3) Maulana Ubaidullah Sindhi - hats off to him. He visited Soviet revolutionary leadership on their invitation and used to wear hat and "nikkers" (pants) despite being a "Maulana". All this is 1920s!

4) Raja Dahir - he resisted (and lost his neck in the process of it) foreign invaders with an alien religion/alien way of life with full vigour but is counted a villain by his own people - Pakistanis! Compare this to Tipu Sultan who also resisted foreign invaders with an alien religion/alien way of life and he is glorified left, right and centre! A big Cafe-Reality check is required here!

5) Dr Abdul Salaam, the Noble Leutrate - we get a lump in our throats when
ever we think of him. Despite trying, we cant think of something humorous to say here. We did not deserve him and he did not deserve us. We have failed you Doctor!

6) Nature, clean air, environment, wildlife
- What are we going to do after the tiger is gone? We will all be considered criminals of Hitler and Stalin's magnitude by our great-grand-children. The heart cries bucket-loads here too.

7) Nawabzaada Nasrullah Khan - Could not speak English, never been outside Pakistan despite having the means (apart from 1 occasion), was a cultural icon with his Turkish Topi, paan and poetry, always left the government-forming party to join opposition and used his own money to do politics. Simply Grrrreat! If he was alive today in this media age, he would have bowed everyone into submission!

8) Misbah Ul Haq - we think ICC should sit down and make a decision to award all the runs scored by Saeed Anwar (because Anwar is more interested in paradise than his batting records) to Misbah to compensate him for his lost years. This will be a win-win situation for all as justice will be done to Misbah and Saeed will get yet more sawaab (reward) for sacrifice in his quest for jannat (paradise). Also, the bowling records will not be affected as all the runs conceded will just be transferred to a different batsman.

Disclaimer; This action should only be taken after an official decision vis-à-vis a signed Memo from ICC. Any unilateral action taken by PCB, Pak Army or Misbah may prove to be more harmful in the long run.

9) Saeed Ajmal - This will prove more difficult so perhaps the slippery Hamid Mir can help here. We think Ajmal should be awarded all of Danish Kaneria's wickets to
compensate for his lost years. However, the problem here is that Kaneria lost about 200 wickets due to Kamran Akmal's wicket keeping. To correct that, perhaps an imaginary batsman can be inducted into the record books that has always been ousted by Kaneria to balanced the record books. We understand the theoretical problem here and hereby acknowledge that Hamid Mir can provide valuable input here.

Disclaimer; This action should only be taken after an official decision vis-à-vis a signed Memo from ICC. Any unilateral action taken by PCB, Pak Army or Ajmal may prove to be more harmful in the long run.

Please note that we also reserve the right to add or remove any of the above names without prior notice.

(Mohammad Jawad and Ijaz Anwar)